Meaning, reflection and imagination

Or the particular story of illustrations and photos that marked the history of the concept.

Visiting this virtual exhibition on a tablet or computer is recommended to take advantage of the dedicated effects.

Light and shadow to illustrate sound frequencies (poetry and music). The graphic works illustrating the creation of Christina Goh have always been marked by symbolism.

"It was about realizing that to breathe quite simply, an apparently banal act, is to love absolutely: to give and to receive in return. That is the anchor." Extract from the collection "Ancre (Poème à stages)" by Christina Goh, base and inspiration for the cover. Graphic designer: Azur Ambre

Mail exchange between Christina Goh and graphic designer Mayu Kono on the development of the cover of EP REALITE:

Regarding the cover, I am sending you by this mail the design that I would like you to include in it. This is a bird feather. In Europe the quill was used for writing long before the quill. Thus it symbolizes writing and the free spirit.

We often fantasize about reality or make it horrible. Liberation is about telling reality without prejudice. Here we have chosen a "sophisticated simplicity" (piano voice and child's drawing of the pen). Since the bird feather is the symbol of freedom of choice for some cultures (Native Americans), this could mean that it is up to us to decide what we are going to do with reality.

In the EP REALITE, Christina Goh invites the writers Nicole Cage and Imaniyé Dalila Daniel.

The three charismatic women do not share the same opinions and do not evolve in the same artistic universe but accept the challenge of a work on a reality that we could share for the best of the exchange. With respect for the other.

This approach is symbolized in the song written by Goh by the three voices singing the song as one.

For the cover of her "best of" 24 titles "produced by the French graphic designer Yiixpe, Christina Goh asks the illustrator:" a labyrinth engraved within the framework of the cut-out of a brain seen from above (taking inspiration from graphic design style of Renaissance notebooks). It is a question of reconstituting a real labyrinth because it is a game where the right path is the one which borrows the two hemispheres of the brain. Inspired by the legend of the breadcrumb trail, a spool whose red thread should be used to write the title. "

Yiixpe will offer Christina 7 ideas, with 3 color variations per idea. The two artists will spend a whole month refining the whole until the final result.

The vocalist will introduce her work Center (Focus) which accompanies the "best of" and recapitulates the guiding principle of the titles with these words: "These details which furnish the silences between the verses and the musical notes ... The remembrance of this double decade career is a labyrinth, here is my breadcrumb trail. "

Blues Troubadour pouch made by French graphic designer Yiixpe.

"The whole work speaks of the value of nuances: being able to compose one's life with all the elements of light that make up white and which only make black the absence of light ... A bit as if the listener discovered a old book which seems to have value except that from this book emerges sound! "

To present the opus "Blues Troubadour" to the international program Jazzbox on Radio Aligre in Paris, Christina Goh will return to the duality of the old book - oral transmission symbolized on the cover in shades of black and white (blues - poetic art trobar). One of her references, Marguerite Yourcenar:

"Like the English ballad, like the Germanic lied, like the poems of the troubadours or the Minesinger, especially like the liturgical poems of Latin from the Middle Ages, to which they resemble, the Negro Spirituals are part of the poetic heritage of humanity".

Quote M. Yourcenar, Deep River, Dark River, Paris, Gallimard, 1966, p. 7.

Album cover Christina Goh Concept

Photo of Michel Barclay (QEP), Gold Medal of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Martinique, Portraitist of France 2017.

Graphic designer Mayu Kon (Japan).

Thank you for stopping by. Take care of yourself.

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